A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine followed Finnish men for 16 years. It tracked the type of activity the men did each week. And it found that the higher the intensity of the exercise, the lower the risk of getting cancer.

In fact, high intensity exercise cuts your risk of getting cancer in half.1

And a recent study shows that increasingly intense exertion inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells and the formation of tumors.2

Now, those are great results, but here’s the point not considered by the studies’ authors: Not everyone can do high intensity exercise. High intensity exercise was designed for elite athletes who train for the Olympics. You can’t expect de-conditioned people to do this type of exercise.

That’s why I designed P.A.C.E. It gets regular folks to the point where they can do high intensity exercise, safely and quickly.

Even better, I discovered that you get even more benefit from the incremental increases in exertion. In other words, trying to get to the level of being able to do something like interval training gives you more benefit than you get from actual high intensity exercise.

That’s the power of P.A.C.E., you start out easy, measuring the intensity of your exercise in some way … the number of repetitions you do, the time it takes for you to do a set, etc. Then you gradually increase it. Over the long run, you’ll notice that it’s easier and easier for you to do your exercise at a slightly higher intensity as you go.

In just minutes a day, you’ll work your way up to getting the benefits of high intensity exercise – without any stress and danger to your body. P.A.C.E. trains your body to change your metabolism, burn fat, make you more youthful, and utilize more oxygen – which may be the key to its cancer-fighting power.

P.A.C.E. floods your cells with life-giving oxygen. Oxygen is the basic fuel for cell metabolism. If you don’t have it, energy production drops and the cells lose their ability to repair DNA. Low oxygen levels in the cells – chronic hypoxia – is a cause of chronic disease, especially cancer.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, low oxygen levels in our cells are common. We are a nation of couch potatoes. When we do exercise, it’s usually cardio and aerobics. But those don’t raise your oxygen levels enough. The key to raising your oxygen levels is high intensity exertion.

P.A.C.E. pumps oxygen-rich blood to your vital organs by up to 18 times more than light exercise such as walking.3 P.A.C.E. gives you:

400% more oxygen to your lungs

1733% more oxygen to your muscles

Nearly double the oxygen to your brain

331% more oxygen from your heart

This doesn’t happen when you jog or do other medium intensity exercises.

This may be one of the reasons why our ancestors stayed disease-free. They had to do intense exertion to survive. Maybe your body needs the oxygen to thrive.

Get started with P.A.C.E. today and cut your risk of cancer in half. What are you waiting for?

Here’s a workout that you can do right now – whether you’re reading this at work or at home.

Get up from your chair. Make sure you have some space around you. We’re going to do a full-body boxing move called a Bob and Weave Circle.

Start standing "on guard" (fists up like a boxer) and then step both feet wider than hip width apart, turning your toes out slightly.

Bend both knees directly out over your toes, and lower your body straight down, keeping your shoulders over your hips, your back straight, and your abs pulled in.

Holding this position with your legs, lean your upper body to the left, pressing your left shoulder down towards your left hip, keeping your arms up on guard and chest facing forward.

Next, round your back and shoulders forward, scooping your abs in deeper towards your spine, and hips steady (as if you were ducking or bobbing under something).

Then come up and around to the right side, leaning your upper body to the right.

Finish the move by bringing your upper body back to the middle, and straightening your spine, before repeating in the other direction.

Do this until you are slightly winded, reversing sides each time. Three sets is best. Shortly, you’ll notice the time it takes for you to recover will decrease. Then you’ll be on your way to enjoying the anti-cancer benefits of incremental increases in intensity.

To Your Good Health, 

Al Sears, MD 


1. J A Laukkanen et al. “Intensity of leisure-time physical activity and cancer mortality in men,” Br J Sports Med 2009;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2008.056713. http://press.psprings.co.uk/bjsm/july/sm56713.pdf 

2. Rundqvist H, Augsten M, Strömberg A, Rullman E, Mijwel S, Kharaziha P, Panaretakis T, Gustafsson T, Ostman A. "Effect of acute exercise on prostate cancer cell growth." PLoS One. 2013 Jul 5;8(7):e67579. 

3. Adapted from: von Ardenne, M. Oxygen Multistep Therapy. Thieme. 1990. p. 144

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