This simple pill could help

you live a lot longer

If you do much reading about natural health, you often hear that people in Okinawa, Japan enjoy phenomenal health and live longer, on average, than anyone else on earth.

They have low cholesterol levels… almost no heart disease… and scarcely any deaths by stroke or cancer… So what gives? Could the Japanese have better genes than the rest of the human race?

Well scientists say their longevity is more likely connected to a plant that's often found on their dinner plates but seldom on ours. It's available as a supplement that's worth your consideration. Keep reading. . .

Continued below. . .

This May be the World's Best Home Cancer Cure

"If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments. It's one of the world's most powerful cancer cures, according to research by Jim Sheridan, a scientist working at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research.

Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute has confirmed this do-it-yourself treatment's ability to kill cancer cells. Want real-life proof? We've got tons. The testimonials from patients are positively awesome. You can see their faces and hear their voices yourself by clicking here.

A 54-year-old terminal cancer patient named Robert rejected chemotherapy, tried this approach, and totally got rid of his cancer in six months. Another patient named Arch was told he had only a 15% chance to live. He's still alive three years later with (in his own words) "no evidence of cancer in repeated CAT scans."

In a group of 180 cancer patients with 30 different kinds of cancer, 83 percent went into remission and were still cancer free 18 years later. Discover more — click here.

Japanese cooking features dishes made with half-raw sea fish, rice, miso (a seasoning paste made with fermented soybeans), tofu and a variety of seaweeds.

Scientists have discovered that brown seaweeds contain a compound called fucoidan that shows promise as a natural cancer killer.

Edible brown seaweeds such as bladder wrack, kombu and wakame are often used in soups and other dishes. But they have a long history of use in Oriental medicine, too.

For example, bladder wrack has long been a rich source of iodine, and was used extensively to treat swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter), a deficiency disease caused by lack of iodine. If you don't already know the importance of iodine, you need to race back to Issue #9.

Wakame, another type of seaweed, has been used to purify the blood, promote intestinal function, and improve skin and hair. Some recent Japanese studies identified the wakame compound known as fucoxanthin as an efficient way to burn body fat!

But it's the cancer fighting benefits of fucoidan that are causing some of the latest buzz…

Fucoidan vs. cancer… talk about an unfair fight!

Fucoidan is a type of carbohydrate called a polysaccharide that's found in the cell walls of brown seaweed. It has a high nutritional value—given that it's rich in calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, selenium and vitamin A.

These nutrients are essential to make sure your circulatory, immune and neurologic systems function properly. But ongoing clinical research shows fucoidan may prove to be a superstar cancer warrior too!

Research into fucoidan started around 1970, and since then fucoidan has been cited in about 700 studies indexed in the National Library of Medicine's database.

These scientific studies confirmed that fucoidan causes certain types of rapidly growing cancer cells to die.

To be more scientific, fucoidan induces apoptosis, or natural cell death, in cancer cells. Cells reproduce themselves by dividing and becoming two cells. The two "daughter cells" eventually do the same thing and make four cells. But the process doesn't go on forever: Healthy cells die off after dividing and dividing again for a certain number of generations.

But cancer cells generally escape this fate unless you do something to bring it on. Getting cancer cells to undergo apoptosis is one of the Holy Grails of cancer therapy.

Fucoidan appears to trigger the mechanism that causes cancer cells to commit this biological hari-kari. Scientists are still researching how this happens.

Kills cancer cells two ways, if this study is right

There's more: an animal study1 suggests there may be a second way that fucoidan acts to clobber cancer cells. This study showed it enhances the activity of natural killer (NK) cells. These cells play a crucial role in killing tumor cells. Stimulating NK cells is another major goal of cancer therapy (more so in alternative medicine than in mainstream medicine).

Mice in the study ate a diet containing 1 percent fucoidan for 10 days. During this time, they were also injected with leukemia cells. Afterwards, the rodents continued to eat the diet containing fucoidan for 40 additional days.

Researchers found that in the mice receiving fucoidan, tumors were inhibited by a whopping 65.4 percent! Very impressive, if you ask me.

What's more, NK cell activity significantly increased in the fucoidan-fed mice compared to animals who did not receive the nutrient.

So far, scientists have found examples of self-destruction in several types of cancer cells, including:

Human colon cancer cells

Human stomach cancer cells

Leukemia cells

And don't forget—this self-destruction ONLY affected cancer cells. Fucoidan caused no damage to normal cells!

But it turns out that keeping cancer at bay is just one of the remarkable health benefits fucoidan provides…

Who else wants a kick-butt immune system?

Another of fucoidan's significant health benefits lies in its ability to strengthen the immune system. Several studies in vitro (i.e. in lab cultures) as well as in animals show it has restrained so-called "coated viruses" such as herpes, HIV and a type of herpes virus called human cytomegalovirus that can cause blindness and fatal pneumonia in people with compromised immune systems.

Scientific experiments suggest fucoidan may act in two ways:

It stops the virus from attaching to and penetrating host cells, and

It prevents the virus from duplicating after cell penetration2.

A University of Chicago pilot study3 found that fucoidan provided significant protection when human subjects took it orally. Fifteen patients with active herpes infections (including herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, herpes zoster or Epstein-Barr virus) and six subjects with latent infections took fucoidan orally.

Researchers noted increased healing rates in patients with active infections. What's more, patients with latent infections continued to show no symptoms of illness while taking fucoidan.

Fucoidan is also a natural blood thinner… helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure… and provides overall protection to the blood vessels, heart and other organs.

It's a darn good list of health benefits from simple seaweed!

Billions of dollars are spent on cancer research each year—and there's still no reliable cure in sight. Plus, conventional cancer treatments actually jeopardize a patient's health and damage the immune system.

You'd best believe the medical establishment will continue to pour money, time and effort into these ineffective solutions.

But now you know an abundance of research clearly shows that fucoidan provides a safer, natural solution to kill cancer cells and slow their progression.

Fucoidan is available in supplements from a variety of online and retail providers. It is also available in the form of Limu seaweed juice.

So now YOU can be like the Japanese who live longer, healthier lives—with the help of a simple seaweed solution!

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler,



1Maruyama, H. et al. Antitumor activity and immune response of Mekabu fucoidan extracted from Sporophyll of Undaria pinnatifida. In Vivo. 2003 May-Jun;17(3):245-9. Retrieved from 

2Hoshino T, Hayashi T, Hayashi K, Hamada J, Lee JB, Sankawa U. An antivirally active sulfated polysaccharide from Sargassum horneri (TURNER) C. AGARDH. Biol Pharm Bull. 1998 Jul;21(7):730-4.

3Thompson KD, Fitton JH, Dragar C, et. al. GFS, a Preparation of Tasmanian Undaria pinnatifida, is Associated with Healing and Inhibition of Reactivation of Herpes. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2002;2:11.

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